Hi there, I’m Ahmed Khan. I have been designing and developing websites since 2017 as an independent freelancer. I primarily carry out a range of front-end services, including designing website mockups/concepts, developing websites from
scratch/designs through content management systems (e.g. WordPress), as well as from scratch using HTML, CSS and JS. Examples of such work can be seen in my portfolio.
Alongside this, I also offer several back-end services related to
optimisation, including speed, SEO and security - all of which are highly documented and perfected to every detail.
I work with a range of clients, from small businesses in far destinations, to individuals right here in England. Regardless, I have the interpersonal and management skills necessary for carrying out and maintaining projects. This includes
after-work care, where I can guarantee I am always about to help with an issue here and there.
Aside from freelancing, I am also a full-time student, currently studying maths, physics and chemistry at the UK college level. I have a deep passion for computer science, so look out for upcoming news in my journal to learn more about my
intentions for the future.
If you have a project involving web design or development, please do contact me and we can discuss your options: frame of work and budget.